I am developing an wpf app that uses Kinect sensor. We are converting it to UWP with the Desktop Bridge.
It runs fine if the Kinect Runtime is installed in the PC, but it crash if it is not installed. How can I include the Kinect for Windows Runtime 2.0 installer in the app package. So when someone installs the app it automatically installs the runtime?
I also need to include the VC ++ 2013..
I can't find any doc about this online.
Fixed. The VC ++ 2013 problem was resolved following this article mentioned by Bogdan Mitrache
The kinect runtime problem was caused by the Microsof.Kinect.dll I had in the project. It was the x64 version but the project was x86. If the Kinect Runtime is installed both dll versions (x86 and x64) are installed and it works. If not only the dll of the project is available. Replacing the dll of the project by a x86 version fixed the problem.
Also if you are interested this is the article I followed to include other dependencies needed Chaining multiple installers with the Desktop App Converter