I have the following problem:
- I have a given number of identically formed items with different colors (I know how many there are from each color)
- I pack these items into boxes that can hold each a given number (n) of item in such way that I use the minimum number of boxes: round_up(total_nr_of_items/n)
- There are some colors I am not allowed to put in one box except if I can't otherwise have the ideal number of boxes.
- There is a minimal number of items from each color (different for each color) that I'm allowed to put in a box. That is I can decide to put 0 pcs. of a color into a box or a minimum of k pcs. or above. This constraint can also be broken (as few times as possible) if the packing could not be done with the minimum number of boxes.
- I want to find a solution where as few colors as possible are split between boxes.
I think this is a kind of packing problem but I don't know which one.
Please suggest into which packing problem can the above be converted into and/or an algorithm that I could use to solve this problem.
Looks like an NP-Hard constraint satisfaction problem. You'll have hard and soft constraints something like this.
Build-in constraints:
- I have a given number of identically formed items with different colors (I know how many there are from each color)
Hard constraints:
There are some colors I am not allowed to put in one box.
There is a minimal number of items from each color (different for each color) that I'm allowed to put in a box. That is I can decide to put 0 pcs. of a color into a box or a minimum of k pcs. or above.
Soft constraints:
- I pack these items into boxes that can hold each a given number (n) of item in such way that I use the minimum number of boxes: round_up(total_nr_of_items/n)
Softer constraints (or really low weight soft constraints):
- I want to find a solution where as few colors as possible are split between boxes.
For algorithms to solve this, take a look at Simulated annealing, Tabu search, Branch and bound, ...
For software which implements such algorithms and support constraints, take a look at Drools Planner (java, open source).