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How can i get aframe box vertex coordinates?

I need to get vertex from an object (box) in an AFRAME or i need to calculate intersection between raycaster and the face of an entity. Someone can help me? Thank you all!ç

EDIT: I added code below.

AFRAME.registerComponent("intersection-handler", {
  schema: {
    fps: { type: 'number', default: 15 }

  init: function() {


  tick: function(){

    if(new Date().getTime()-this.lastTick<(1000/;
      let distance = this.calculateDistance(this.el.object3D.position, this.hittedElem.object3D.position);
      this.el.emit('intersection-detected-' +, distance );
      this.el.emit('intersection-cleared-' +;
    this.lastTick = new Date().getTime();

  bindMethods(){ // You could do all of this directly in your init() method, but I like to separate it.
    this.onIntersection = this.onIntersection.bind(this);
    this.onIntersectionClear = this.onIntersectionClear.bind(this);

  play: function() {
    this.registerEventListeners();  // It's a good practice in general to enable your event listeners here.

  pause: function() {
    this.deregisterEventListeners(); // Similarly a good practice to remove them here so that they don't stay bound while the scene isn't actually 'running'

  registerEventListeners() {

    this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection', this.onIntersection);
    this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection-cleared', this.onIntersectionClear);

  deregisterEventListeners() {

    this.el.removeEventListener('raycaster-intersection', this.onIntersection);
    this.el.removeEventListener('raycaster-intersection-cleared', this.onIntersectionClear);

  onIntersection: function(e) {

    this.isIntersecting = true;
      this.hittedElem = e.detail.intersections[0].object.el;

  onIntersectionClear: function(e) {

    this.isIntersecting = false;

  calculateDistance: function(myElposition, hittedElposition) {
    // distance = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2) - rolloff
    let rolloffFactor = 0.5;
    let d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((hittedElposition.x - myElposition.x), 2) + Math.pow((hittedElposition.y - myElposition.y), 2)) - rolloffFactor;
    return d;


I can't use the raycaster-intersected event, i'm managing intersections on raycaster side not in the other entities.


  • no need for the vertex coordinates. The raycasters intersection.point contains a Vector3 with the intersection position.

    On the other hand if you get your camera (raycasters origin) position, you get another Vector3.

    From the three.js docs, you can get the distance between them with a simple a.distanceTo(b).

    Fiddle here.