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How do I remove GitHub pages sub-domain redirection?

I have a Namecheap domain and it is somedomain.example. I accidentally changed the somedomain.example/blog/ which was in blog repository to blog.somedomain.example. Now even if I remove my CNAME record and remove the custom URL from the settings in the GitHub page setting, my somedomain.example/blog/ is still getting redirected to blog.somedomain.example.

Is there any way to remove this redirection and use it the default way as it was?

P.S There is no CNAME now in my gh-pages repository.


  • I have a similar issue. In my case I just had the branch: gh-pages (e.g.;

    git branch -> * gh-pages

    Well what worked for me was to create the branch: master;

    git branch master ->
    git branch -> gh-pages, * master
    git push origin master

    (in fact I think it's a trick)

    Just confirm that there is NO CNAME file in gh-pages and mainly in the master branch. -> 404 -> 404

    You can test whether you are still redirecting through cURL or online;


    I hope this works for you too.