I am trying to find the WebDAV address to my onedrive folder for a 3rd party application. Where should I look? My url is something like this.
https://COMPANYNAME-my.sharepoint.com/personal/NAME_COMPANYNAME_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx .
As per the Moderator of Microsoft,
"Getting the WebDAV URL for your file needs your IT admin privilege. You are using a sharepoint account through your company, so we suggest that you contact your IT admin to access the WebDAV site."
I am the administrator, I am not able to find the page where I can access the WebDav Site.
Thank in Advance. Regards Pratyush SINHA
The most simple approach is to use OneDriveMapper.ps1
script, posted on TechNet.
section inside. If you're lucky, the only thing you would have to change is $O365CustomerName
$O365CustomerName = "ogd" # (example, ogd as in https://ogd-my.sharepoint.com or https://ogd.sharepoint.com)
It would automatically authenticate you and show the appropriate webdav url in log:
INFO | Retrieving Sharepoint cookie step 2 at https://ogd-my.sharepoint.com/_forms/default.aspx
INFO | username detected, your onedrive should be at \\ogd-my.sharepoint.com@SSL\DavWWWRoot\personal\username_ogd_com\Documents
You might have to run this script on each logon or so, so that it would authenticate you.
The admin privilege is not required to run the script.
User can manually access his personal folder with a few clicks.