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Google Cloud AutoML API REST call

I'm trying to send a simple request, via Postman, to the Google Cloud AutoML API, and I've been reading the documentation here:

On the page, it says the REST endpoint should be like so:


where name is the "resource name of the dataset to retrieve".

What exactly is the resource name?

I have a dataset in my Google Cloud AutoML, and I'm putting the name of the dataset in place of the {name} part but I keep getting "404 error".

I can't seem to find examples online of actually sending REST api calls to Google AutoML. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • the doc is not really clear here, the endpoint is not correct, I advise you to have a look at this. The correct endpoint is :{YOUR-PROJECT-ID}/locations/us-central1/datasets

    You'll need OAuth2 authentification, which is explained here . Once you have an access token, you should set the header "Authorization" of your request to "Bearer {access-token}".