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ArcGISRuntime 100.0 What methods for coordinate conversion

I'm using ArcGISRuntime 100.0 with Qt (linux) and I'm looking for helper classes that provide conversions between DMS / DD and possible toScreenCoords etc. Do these exist ? thanks.


  • Use the CoordinateFormatter class -

    For example, here is how you could take in a lat/long string and convert it to a few formats:

    // Convert Lat Long Coordinates as String to Point
    Point pt = CoordinateFormatter::fromLatitudeLongitude(inputString, 
    // Convert Point to various String formats
    qDebug() << CoordinateFormatter::toLatitudeLongitude(pt, LatitudeLongitudeFormat::DecimalDegrees, 5);
    qDebug() << CoordinateFormatter::toLatitudeLongitude(pt, LatitudeLongitudeFormat::DegreesDecimalMinutes, 5);
    qDebug() << CoordinateFormatter::toLatitudeLongitude(pt, LatitudeLongitudeFormat::DegreesMinutesSeconds, 5);

    Here is a sample that showcases how to use it