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How to limit the maximum number of running Celery tasks by name

How do you limit the number of instances of a specific Celery task that can be ran simultaneously?

I have a task that processes large files. I'm running into a problem where a user may launch several tasks, causing the server to run out of CPU and memory as it tries to process too many files at once. I want to ensure that only N instances of this one type of task are ran at any given time, and that other tasks will sit queued in the scheduler until the others complete.

I see there's a rate_limit option in the task decorator, but I don't think this does what I want. If I'm understanding the docs correctly, this will just limit how quickly the tasks are launched, but it won't restrict the overall number of tasks running, so this will make my server will crash more slowly...but it will still crash nonetheless.


  • You have to setup extra queue and set desired concurrency level for it. From Routing Tasks:

    # Old config style    
                    'app.tasks.limited_task': {'queue': 'limited_queue'}


    from kombu import Exchange, Queue
    celery.conf.task_queues = (
            Queue('default', default_exchange, routing_key='default'),
            Queue('limited_queue', default_exchange, routing_key='limited_queue')

    And start extra worker, serving only limited_queue:

    $ celery -A celery_app worker -Q limited_queue --loglevel=info -c 1 -n limited_queue

    Then you can check everything running smoothly using Flower or inspect command:

    $ celery -A celery_app worker inspect --help