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How do I combine ramda with recompose?

I have this component;

const ReposGrid = R.pipe(
 // branch(R.isEmpty, renderComponent(Loader)),,

export default ReposGrid

This works fine but I want to render loader component if repos is empty. My branch from recompose just doesn't do anything. It doesn't show Loader neither displays repos when it's loaded. Can I apply R.ifElse here?


  • You might be mixing up ramda's pipe/compose and recompose's, and the arguments they take. Your chain is made up of a mix of higher order components and functions operating on props. It's best to keep the data handling in mapProps/withProps etc.

    You might be able to achieve something similar to what you're after like this:

    import { map, evolve, propSatisfies, isEmpty } from 'ramda'
    import { compose, branch, renderComponent, mapProps, renameProp } from 'recompose'
    const Repo = (repo) => <div>Repo {repo}</div>
    const Loader = () => <div>Loader</div>
    const RepoGridBase = props => <div>{props.children}</div>
    const ReposGrid = compose(
          propSatisfies(isEmpty, 'repos'),
          repos: map(Repo)
        renameProp('repos', 'children')
    function App() {
      return (
        <div className="App">
          <ReposGrid repos={[]} />
          <ReposGrid repos={['one', 'two']} />

    (this will throw key warnings, you'd probably be better of doing the map inside of a component explicitly)

    codesandbox link