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push multiple Line Text as one message in a kafka topic

I want to push a text consisting of multiple lines as one message into a kafka topic.

After I enter:

kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic myTopic

and copy my text:

My Text consists of:
two lines instead of one

I get two messages in the kafka topic, but I want to have just one. Any ideas how to achieve that? Thanks


  • You can use kafkacat for this, with its -D operator to specify a custom message delimiter (in this example /):

    kafkacat -b kafka:29092 \
            -t test_topic_01 \
            -D/ \
            -P <<EOF
    this is a string message 
    with a line break/this is 
    another message with two 
    line breaks!

    Note that the delimiter must be a single byte - multi-byte chars will end up getting included in the resulting message See issue #140

    Resulting messages, inspected also using kafkacat:

    $ kafkacat -b kafka:29092 -C \
             -f '\nKey (%K bytes): %k\t\nValue (%S bytes): %s\n\Partition: %p\tOffset: %o\n--\n' \
             -t test_topic_01
    Key (-1 bytes):
    Value (43 bytes): this is a string message
    with a line break
    Partition: 0    Offset: 0
    Key (-1 bytes):
    Value (48 bytes): this is
    another message with two
    line breaks!
    Partition: 0    Offset: 1
    % Reached end of topic test_topic_01 [0] at offset 2

    Inspecting using kafka-console-consumer:

    $ kafka-console-consumer \
        --bootstrap-server kafka:29092 \
        --topic test_topic_01 \
    this is a string message
    with a line break
    this is
    another message with two
    line breaks!

    (thus illustrating why kafkacat is nicer to work with than kafka-console-consumer because of its optional verbosity :) )