working with SuperpoweredAudvanceAudio Player to seek position when playing file. seeking is done from android context. i checked CrossExample of Android and it reflects me that seek operation is done in LoadSuccess callback, which seems to be Superpowered's thread context. i am facing problem of not seeking player playing file position using superpowered SDK while playing audio. so, during playing is inprogress & seek to some position, is it valid scenario using Superpowered SDK for android? below is the code that i used in LoadSuccess callback to seek, but it is not working.
case SuperpoweredAdvancedAudioPlayerEvent_LoadSuccess: {
RCLog::GetInstance()->PrintLog(RCLOG_INFO, "%s : SuperpoweredAdvancedAudioPlayerEvent_LoadSuccess", __FUNCTION__);
if( isSeekRequired ){
isSeekRequired = false;
RCLog::GetInstance()->PrintLog(RCLOG_INFO, "%s : Seeking...", __FUNCTION__);
player->seek( seekPer );
seek() takes a percentage, a double between 0..1
setPosition() takes milliseconds