Hi I'm using a share extension to post some data to my server using API request (Alamofire), the problem is that the request fails immediately and I don't know how to make it work, I read on some articles that I must use URLSession to send the request in the background but I couldn't find any example to how to make it work with alamofire, here is my code in share extension ViewController:
override func didSelectPost() {
MessageHTTPHelper.submitMessage(contains: contentText, completion: { (response) in
self.showAlert(title: "Result", message: response.result.isSuccess ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE")
The MessageHTTPHelper.submitMessage
is a helper function that I defined and it works in the main app perfectly
I don't care about the response, I just want to send the request without any callbacks, can you please give me an example of sending a request in iOS share extension?
After lots of search and tests and fails, finally, this solution worked for me!
and here is my code in didSelectPost()
let body: Parameters = [ "version": Configs.currentReleaseVersion, "content": cleanTextContent ]
let request = HTTPHelper.makeHTTPRequest(route: "message",
headers: HTTPHelper.defaultAuthHTTPHeaders,
verb: .post,
body: body,
apiV1Included: true)
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.background", qos: .background, attributes: .concurrent)
request.responseJSON(queue: queue, options: .allowFragments) { (response) in
if response.result.isFailure {
guard let message = response.error?.localizedDescription else {
self.showAlert(title: "Error", message: message)
The HTTPHepler.makeHTTPRequest
is just a helper method which creates an Alamofire DataRequest Instance with given parameters and returns it