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Issue in FsCalendar implementation iOS

I am using FSCalendar in my application according to requirement I implemented everything but facing one problem. When I switch month using button then calendar scrolls to next or previous month but it showing 1 date as automatically selected which is not needed. First Image where I press on button.

Here its shows auto selected date.

 @IBAction func nextMonth(_ sender: UIButton){
    let t = calendar.currentPage.addingTimeInterval(24*60*60)
    let components = globalCurrentCalendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: t)
    yearParam =  String(components.year!)
    monthParam = String(components.month!)
    let mnth = components.month! + 1
    monthParam = String(mnth)
    let date = .calendar, value: 1, to: t)
    monthScrollDate = date! date!))!)


  • You need to do below steps for next month.

    1. Get CalendarView currentPage.
    2. Create 1 Date with 1 Month addition in CalendarView currentPage.
    3. set CalendarView currentPage by newly created date.

    For Next Month

    let currentMonth = self.calendarVW.currentPage
    let nextMonth: Date? = .month, value: 1, to: currentMonth, options: [])
    self.calendarVW.setCurrentPage(nextMonth!, animated: true)

    For Previous Month

    let currentMonth = self.calendarVW.currentPage
    let previousMonth: Date? = .month, value: -1, to: currentMonth, options: [])
    self.calendarVW.setCurrentPage(previousMonth!, animated: true)