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How to find delta for same number and name in pandas?

I have the below dataframe and I need to subtract and find the delta between next quater and current quater plus next to next quater and current quater.

Input data:

Number Name Year Quater value
1      an   2018 1      2.5
2      bn   2018 1      1.5
1      an   2018 2      3.5
2      bn   2018 2      4.5
1      an   2018 3      4.5
1      an   2018 4      2.5
2      bn   2018 4      1.5
1      an   2019 1      5.5
2      bn   2019 1      1.5

Output: d_1 is the difference between next quater and current quater for same number and name, whereas d_2 is the diff between next to next quater and current quater for same number and name.

Number Name Year Quater value d_1 d_2
1      an   2018 1      2.5   1   2
2      bn   2018 1      1.5   3   
1      an   2018 2      3.5   1   -1
2      bn   2018 2      4.5       -3
1      an   2018 3      4.5   -2  1
1      an   2018 4      2.5   3
2      bn   2018 4      1.5   0
1      an   2019 1      5.5  
2      bn   2019 1      1.5


  • First, make sure the data is correctly sorted:

    df = df.sort_values(by=['Year', 'Quater'])

    Then use groupby and diff to calculate the differences between rows:

    df['d_1'] = df.groupby(['Number', 'Name'])['value'].diff(periods=-1) * -1
    df['d_2'] = df.groupby(['Number', 'Name'])['value'].diff(periods=-2) * -1
    df = df.fillna(0.0)


    Number  Name  Year  Quater  value   d_1   d_2
         1    an  2018       1    2.5   1.0   2.0
         2    bn  2018       1    1.5   3.0  -0.0
         1    an  2018       2    3.5   1.0  -1.0
         2    bn  2018       2    4.5  -3.0  -3.0
         1    an  2018       3    4.5  -2.0   1.0
         1    an  2018       4    2.5   3.0   0.0
         2    bn  2018       4    1.5  -0.0   0.0
         1    an  2019       1    5.5   0.0   0.0
         2    bn  2019       1    1.5   0.0   0.0


    If missing values should be considered as well, the best way is to resample the dataframe first to add any missing rows.

    First, add a new column date and resample the dataframe:

    df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Year'].astype(str) + 'Q' + df['Quater'].astype(str))
    df = df.set_index('date').groupby(['Number', 'Name']).resample('Q').first().drop(['Name', 'Number'], axis=1).reset_index()

    Now we have:

    Number  Name          date  Year  Quater  value
         1    an    2018-03-31  2018     1.0    2.5
         1    an    2018-06-30  2018     2.0    3.5
         1    an    2018-09-30  2018     3.0    4.5
         1    an    2018-12-31  2018     4.0    2.5
         1    an    2019-03-31  2019     1.0    5.5
         2    bn    2018-03-31  2018     1.0    1.5
         2    bn    2018-06-30  2018     2.0    4.5
         2    bn    2018-09-30   NaN     NaN    NaN
         2    bn    2018-12-31  2018     4.0    1.5
         2    bn    2019-03-31  2019     1.0    1.5

    Now apply the same groupby and diff as above as well as dropping extra rows, the date column and sort the result:

    df['d_1'] = df.groupby(['Number', 'Name'])['value'].diff(periods=-1) * -1
    df['d_2'] = df.groupby(['Number', 'Name'])['value'].diff(periods=-2) * -1
    df.dropna(subset=['Year']).fillna(0.0).sort_values(by=['Year', 'Quater']).drop('date', axis=1)

    The fillna can be skipped if you prefer to keep the NaNs.