I am using autorest to generate TypeScript clients for accessing RESTful web services. All REST api looks for bearer token for authentication but I didn't find a way to pass token to autogenerated TypeScript clients.
I did try searching autorest documentation. It looks like I need to use ServiceClientCredentials but I didn't find any sample code.
Does anyone know how to use ServiceClientCredentials in TypeScript?
I use the following command to generate TypeScript clients
autorest --input-file=restapi.json --typescript --output-folder=./output --package-name="test-api" --package-version="0.1.0" --generate-metadata=true --add-credentials=true
I found the answer. I need to create an object of TokenCredentials
and pass it in autogenerated client
// Create token
const tokenCredentials: TokenCredentials = new TokenCredentials(
'some token'
// Add token and server url to service instance
const service: AutoGeneratedSvc = new AutoGeneratedSvc(
'server url'