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azure cli failover groups

I am looking at creating a sql server failover group using the azure cli. The following command is being used :

az sql failover-group create --name sql1-fg --resource-group sql1 --server sql1 --partner-server sq1l-dr --partner-resource-group sql1-dr --failover-policy Manual

However I get the following error :

Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint

I have not passed in this parameter but with grace-period being a default parameter with a value of 1, my query is how do I exclude this from the command line. I have tried setting to 0, -1, $false, $null, etc.


  • I can reproduce your issue on my side, I think it may be a bug of Azure CLI, because it is unreasonable.

    Even if I create the failover group with Automatic first, then use the az sql failover-group update to set the --failover-policy to Manual, it always gives the same error message.

    enter image description here

    I have opened a new issue in the Github, you could check it. Or you could create the Automatic group first, and set it to Manual in the portal.