Here is my Telegram bot code:
import time, datetime
import telepot
from telepot.loop import MessageLoop
now =
def action(msg):
chat_id = msg['chat']['id']
command = msg['text']
print('Received: %s' % command)
if command == '/start':
telegram_bot.sendMessage (chat_id, str("Hi!"))
telegram_bot.sendMessage(chat_id, str(now.hour)+str(":")+str(now.minute))
elif command == 'Time':
telegram_bot.sendMessage(chat_id, str(now.hour)+str(":")+str(now.minute))
elif command == 'Logo':
telegram_bot.sendPhoto (chat_id, photo = "")
elif command == 'File':
telegram_bot.sendDocument(chat_id, document=open('/home/pi/'))
elif command == 'Audio':
telegram_bot.sendAudio(chat_id, audio=open('/home/pi/test.mp3'))
telegram_bot = telepot.Bot('MY-BOT-TOKEN')
MessageLoop(telegram_bot, action).run_as_thread()
print('Up and Running....')
while 1:
I want to add a custom keyboard for this bot that will have 4 buttons named Time
, Logo
, File
and Audio
As examples If I click on the Time
button instead of typing "Time", it will tell me the time.
If I click on the Logo
button instead of typing it, it will send me the picture.
There are good examples in the Telepot's Github project. check them out plz.
markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=[['Time', KeyboardButton(text='Logo')],["File", "Audio"]])
if command == '/start':
telegram_bot.sendMessage (chat_id, str("Hi! Which one do you want? choose from the below keyboard buttons."), reply_markup=markup)
telegram_bot.sendMessage(chat_id, str(now.hour)+str(":")+str(now.minute))