I'm trying to move the secondViewController off the firstViewController's top using panGesture but I'm running into a problem...
when I start moving the secondViewController a black screen show up right behind the controller and not the firstViewController (as I expected) and I don't know how to fix this problem...
here's the code that illustrate my problem...
firstVC here..
import UIKit
class mainController: UIViewController {
let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer()
let secondVC = SecondViewController()
override func viewDidLoad() {
tapGestureRecognizer.addTarget(self, action: #selector(goToSecondVC))
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
@objc func goToSecondVC(){
present(secondVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
and secondVC here..
import UIKit
class SecondViewController: UIViewController {
let panGesture = UIPanGestureRecognizer()
override func viewDidLoad() {
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.green
panGesture.addTarget(self, action: #selector(moveView))
@objc func moveView(pan: UIPanGestureRecognizer){
let translation = pan.translation(in: view)
if pan.state == .began{
} else if pan.state == .changed {
view.frame.origin.x += translation.x
pan.setTranslation(CGPoint.zero, in: view)
} else if pan.state == .ended{
why there's a black screen behind the second view controller after present secondViewController?
You just need to set your SecondViewController
's modalPresentationStyle
@objc func goToSecondVC(){
secondVC.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext
present(secondVC, animated: true, completion: nil)