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Appium find element by 2 parameters in Java

I use Appium with Java to automate tests for mobile application. I'm looking for a way to find element by 2 parameters. I.e. by accessibilityId and by xPath within this element. So really rough example to visualize what I mean

Element el = driver.findElementByAccessibilityId("name").isDisplayed();

Is this correct way to do this? Is there a better way? Ideal would be one liner because it is easier to understand


  • isDisplayed() does not return MobileElement/WebElement it returns a Boolean so a valid way is something like mentioned below

    WebElement el = driver.findElementByAccessibilityId("name");
    if (e1.isDisplayed()){
       WebElement e2 = el.findElement(By.XPath("//android.widget.TextView[@text='texty']"))

    You can chain any number of findElement e.g.

    WebElement innerElement = 

    If you use findElements you have to use it like this as it return List of WebElement or List of MobileElement

    WebElement innerElement = 
                .get(2)  //get 2nd element
                 .get(1) //get 1st element