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How to memoize jquery ajax response?

I want to cache the jQuery AJAX response so that I don't need to make the network call again.

Below is my JS code:

$(".btn").on("click", function(){
    var id = $(this).data("id");
    var url = ""+id;
    var loadData = memoize(getDataById);

    var data = loadData(url);
    // $("#title").html(;


function getDataById(url,cache){
        url: url,
        success:function (data){
            console.log("ajax data", data);
            cache[url] = data;     

function memoize(fn){
    var cache = {}

    return function(url){
            console.log("loading from cache");
            return cache[url];
            console.log("loading from server");

            return cache[url];

AJAX call is getting the response but is it not updating the cache response.

I know if i make Cache variable as global then i can simply update it in jquery ajax success function. but i dont want to make the Cache global.

so here I'm trying to use closure. Please correct me if there is any mistake.


  • The problem is that you are memoizing the function every time you respond to the button press. You have

    $(".btn").on("click", function(){
        var loadData = memoize(getDataById);
        ... loadData(input) ...
    function memoize(fn){
        var cache = {}
        return function(url){
                console.log("loading from cache");
                return cache[url];
                console.log("loading from server");
                return cache[url];

    So when you call memoize it is constructing a new closure with access to a new cache and returning that. Try creating the memoized loadData outside instead:

    var loadData = memoize(getDataById);
    $(".btn").on("click", function(){
        ... loadData(input) ...

    That way it's the same closure with the same cache that gets called several times.