In order to fix a buffer overflow Coverity issue, I have used strncpy() to copy a list item. The list item needs to be drag and dropped from one row to another. So the string that needs to be copied contains '\n', '\t' and ' ' characters.
I have used the below code.
for (int nColumn = 1; nColumn < nColumns; nColumn++)
strncpy(lvItem.pszText, (LPCTSTR)(GetItemText(nDragIndex, nColumn)), sizeof(lvItem.pszText)-1);
lvItem.pszText[sizeof(lvItem.pszText)] = '\0';
lvItem.iSubItem = nColumn;
The Coverity scan passed but the data in some of the columns gets truncated. I have heard of using strcpy_s method but is not available. Can anyone help me resolve issue?
Your code is wrong and doesn't do what you expect. lvItem.pszText
is a pointer and it has a fixed size of 4 respective 8 bytes depending on the kind of your project. So your sizeof operator causes the truncation.
in this way, need a buffer that this defined by you!
If you use GetIemText
, you can also user CListCtrl::SetItemText This function takes care about all limits.