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Changing default font on tint R package

I've read the documentation for the "tint" package: 'tint' is not 'Tufte' and I couldn't find a way to change the default font for both the PDF and html outputs. Is there a way to do this from the Markdown document (YAML header)?

Thank you!


  • Looking at the source code for tintBook, tintPdf and tintHTML I come to the conclusion that there is no direct support. For PDF output (ie tintBook and tintPDF) you can always use raw LaTeX even though the standard mainfont etc. are not supported, e.g.:

      - \usepackage[osf]{mathpazo}
      - \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault}

    For a Tufte-Like look. Or

      - \usepackage[sfdefault]{ClearSans}

    For using IBM Clear Sans. But for HTML output I know of no simple way to customize this. However, the major point of the tint package is a different set of default fonts.