Hello I am trying to pass a Looked-Up Value as drillthrough parameter to a subreport. I have two Datasets Dataset1 and Dataset2. My tablix looks like this
=Fields!Number.Value 'Column1 expression (Dataset1)
=Lookup(Fields!Number.Value, Fields!NumberKey.Value, Fields!Order.Value, "Dataset2") 'Column2 expression (Dataset2)
Column1 Column2
1 123
2 678
Now I want to use the value from Column2 as drillthrough parameter. Under the option Action -> Go to report I already tried different approaches, but none would work. For the parameter passing value I tried:
=Lookup(Fields!Number.Value, Fields!NumberKey.Value, Fields!Order.Value, "Dataset2")
=Lookup(Fields!Number.Value, Fields!NumberKey.Value, Fields!Order.Value, "Dataset2").Value
=Lookup(Fields!Number.Value, Fields!NumberKey.Value, Fields!Order.Value, "Dataset2").UniqueName
Is this even possible? Thanks in advance :-)
I found the solution. The names of the parameters (internal) are different, because of the Lookup. The name of the parameter I passed is
the name of the subreport parameter is
This didnt work, even if the same value existed in both. I solved it when I wrote the passing parameter value like this
="[Orders].[OrderNr].&[" & Lookup(Fields!Number.Value, Fields!NumberKey.Value, Fields!Order.Value, "Dataset2") & "]"