I am working in Android using Open GL ES. I have been trying to move our UI from Android Views into 3D. I am seeing some odd behavior with the vertex placements.
I have two different Quads. One is -0.5,-0.5 -> 0.5,0.5 and the other is 0,0 -> 1,1 yet when I render them they both appear on top of each other. As if they were both 0,0 -> 1,1 (the Ortho projection is setup from 0,0 to 1,1). They are both being sent through the same pipeline so I am not sure how this can happen.
Another odd and possibly related issue. Giving one of then quads a translation of 0.5 moves it entirely across the screen, rather than just half way as I would expect with a projection of 0,0 -> 1,1.
Here are some snippets from the Java...
//Fixed Point Class public static final int FIXED_POINT = 16;
public static final int ONE = (1 << FIXED_POINT);
public static final int HALF = (ONE >> 1);
//Vertex Setup mNumVerts = 6;
ByteBuffer vbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect( mNumVerts * 2 * 4 );
vbb.order( ByteOrder.nativeOrder() );
mVtxBuf = vbb.asIntBuffer();
vbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect( mNumVerts * 2 * 4 );
vbb.order( ByteOrder.nativeOrder() );
mTexBuf = vbb.asIntBuffer();
mVtxBuf.put( -Fixed32.HALF ); mVtxBuf.put( -Fixed32.HALF ); mTexBuf.put( 0 ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE );
mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.HALF ); mVtxBuf.put( -Fixed32.HALF ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE );
mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.HALF ); mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.HALF ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mTexBuf.put( 0 );
mVtxBuf.put( -Fixed32.HALF ); mVtxBuf.put( -Fixed32.HALF ); mTexBuf.put( 0 ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE );
mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.HALF ); mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.HALF ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mTexBuf.put( 0 );
mVtxBuf.put( -Fixed32.HALF ); mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.HALF ); mTexBuf.put( 0 ); mTexBuf.put( 0 );
mVtxBuf.position( 0 );
mTexBuf.position( 0 );
mVtxBuf.put( 0 ); mVtxBuf.put( 0 ); mTexBuf.put( 0 ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE );
mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mVtxBuf.put( 0 ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE );
mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mTexBuf.put( 0 );
mVtxBuf.put( 0 ); mVtxBuf.put( 0 ); mTexBuf.put( 0 ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE );
mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mTexBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mTexBuf.put( 0 );
mVtxBuf.put( 0 ); mVtxBuf.put( Fixed32.ONE ); mTexBuf.put( 0 ); mTexBuf.put( 0 );
mVtxBuf.position( 0 );
mTexBuf.position( 0 );
//Projection Setup
gl.glMatrixMode( GL10.GL_PROJECTION );
gl.glOrthox( 0, Fixed32.ONE, 0, Fixed32.ONE, -Fixed32.ONE, Fixed32.ONE );
gl.glDisableClientState( GL10.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY );
gl.glScalef( thing.getXScale(), thing.getYScale(), thing.getZScale() );
gl.glTranslatef( thing.getX(), thing.getY(), thing.getZ() );
gl.glFrontFace( GL10.GL_CW );
gl.glVertexPointer( 2, GL10.GL_FIXED, 0, mdl.getVtxBuf() );
gl.glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL10.GL_FIXED, 0, mdl.getTexBuf() );
// gl.glColorPointer( 4, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, mColorBuffer );
gl.glDrawArrays( GL10.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, mdl.getVtxCount() );
As many of you may have guessed, I must have missed something. The vertices were being edited in my objects super class on a per-frame basis to handle an old issue with aspect ratio. Thus the vertices were not really -.5,-.5 - .5,.5 they were all reset to be 0,0-1,1. Thanks for the time.