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vimtex: force } and { not to skip empty lines

When I use } and {, vimtex+vim jumps somewhat randomly in the document, skipping several empty lines. See below.

How to restore the default vim behaviour not to skip the empty lines?

enter image description here


  • Short answer

    The fact that the skipping happens pretty randomly indicates that the empty lines are not really empty. They contain a whitespace or other special characters.

    Move the cursor to these 'empty' lines and press $ to see if they are really empty.

    How to avoid such problems:

    (Yes, others had your problem too.)

    Make vim show whitespace characters
    Vim has a way to show these characters. Use set list and define listchars. From the vim help for listchars:

        Strings to use in 'list' mode and for the :list command.  It is a
        comma separated list of string settings. 
          space:c       Character to show for a space.  When omitted, spaces
                        are left blank.
          trail:c       Character to show for trailing spaces.  When omitted,
                        trailing spaces are blank.  Overrides the "space"
                        setting for trailing spaces.

    See :help :list and :help listchars for more information.

    Highlight trailing whitespace
    I find it quite annoying to always have a character displayed for any space and my eyes are too bad to see a little dot at the end of a line (for trailing spaces). Therefore I use a highlight group to show all trailing whitespace characters:

    " Show trailing whitespace
        highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red       " define highlight group                      
        match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/               " define pattern
        autocmd BufWinEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/         " apply match to all buffers
        autocmd InsertEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+\%#\@<!$/  " don't match while in insert 
        autocmd InsertLeave * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
        autocmd BufWinLeave * call clearmatches()                   " It's good for the RAM

    Auto-remove trailing whitespace
    There is also a way to automagically delete those characters when writing the buffer -- but there are some caveats (think of markdown's double trailing whitespace for line breaks).

    Vim wiki has a good explanation.

    The simplest (but maybe not the best) solution is to add

     autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s\+$//e

    to your .vimrc or to the corresponding ftplugin files. I personally have a function in my vimrc and disable it for file types, where I don't want/need it.

    You may also be interested in Make { and } ignore lines containing only whitespace

    There might be characters that are not whitespace, but are also not shown by vim by default. I never had this problem, but what I said under 'Short Answer' still does apply.