I am trying to set IBoutlet to display current playing album art. This is what I have so far but no dice.
@IBOutlet weak var nowPlayingArtBackground: UIImageView!
func currentArt() -> UIImage? {
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image
@IBOutlet = currentArt()
There's some things in your code - particularly @IBOutlet = currentArt()
that makes it hard to understand how you think the code will work. So let's try starting at a high level.
You need a UIImageView
(we'll call it nowPlayingArtBackground
) that will display a piece of artwork (say, the output of a function called currentArt
). SO far, so good with what you have. Using @IBOutlet
suggests you're setting this all up in a Storyboard - good.
If you want the output of currentArt()
to be viewed in nowPlayingArtBackground
, the line of code you want is:
nowPlayingArtBackground.image = currentArt()
This will take the output from your function and display it. But there's two questions you haven't really answered:
(1) Where is the output from currentArt()
coming from?
Your function code is code taking the contents of a UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
, but exactly what is this context? Generally speaking, album artwork is stored someplace, be it a database (Firebase?) or a file (locally? cloud?) - as it is, you haven't necessarily defined this.
(2) What triggers changing the artwork displayed?
In other words, what triggers a call to currentArt()
Let's say you have your artwork stored locally as data in a database with the key being song/artist. You need a "driver" probably some AV stream (I'm really no expert on audio, but I only mean it's the "music player" that needs to drive things). When the song changes, you need to set the image to be the output of currentArt()
, and you need to properly code the function to call up the artwork for that song/artist combination.
Hopefully some of this get you pointed in the right direction - or at least shows you some of the things missing in your question. Good luck!