I want to fetch many documents via Schema.find()
, but exclude one specific document via its id. Currently, my query looks like:
$or: [
{ 'tags': { $regex: criteria, $options: 'i' }, },
{ 'name': { $regex: criteria, $options: 'i' }, },
.exec((err, similar) => {
I tried to add $not: { _id: someId }
to the query but that gives me an error, that $not
ist not valid.
Use $ne
which stands for not equal
Product.find({ _id: {$ne: someId}})
So the whole query would look like
$and: [
{ _id: {$ne: someId} },
{ $or: [
{ 'tags': { $regex: criteria, $options: 'i' }, },
{ 'name': { $regex: criteria, $options: 'i' }, },
.exec((err, similar) => {