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LibGDX project doesn't run on my android device

So i just created a libGDX project,imported it in intellij and wanted to run it on my android device then i encountered this error :

Cause: class "org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.symmetric.IDEA$Mappings"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

Please can anybody tell me how to fix this?Thank you


  • Well i found how to solve it...It was the keystore that wasn't good, and it looks like the keystore was not creating when i was running my application .I tried to create one with the key tool but failed because it told me the key was tempered. THE FIX WAS TO CREATE A APPLICATION IN ANDROID STUDIO AND RUN IT ON MY PHONE THEN THE KEYSTORE WOULD BE CREATED AND MY APPS WILL WORK AFTER...