I am making graphs from 4 statistical models subsetting "virus" variable. I don't know how to put the title of the graphs according to "virus" variable.
I made this reproducible set:
set.limpio <- data.frame(Codigo= 1:1000, Dia = rnorm(1000,100,2),
R = rbinom(1000,1,.5),
virus = c(rep("V1",250),
plots <- set.limpio %>%
filter(.$Dia < 250) %>%
split(.$virus) %>%
map(~ gam(R ~ s(Dia) + s(Codigo, bs = "re"), data = .,
family = binomial(link = "logit"), method = "REML")) %>%
map( ~ plot.gam(.,shade = T, scale = 0, scheme = 3,
xlab = "Days",
ylab = "Positivity"))
In this section should be the title
map( ~ plot.gam(.,shade = T, scale = 0,scheme = 3,xlab = "Days", ylab =
"Positivity", main = "here should be the title"))
I tried:
main = paste(names(.))
also with
But none of them worked.
This is how I want the graphs. That should be the result of the first graph out of the four remaining.
As markus commented, you can use imap
plots <- set.limpio %>%
filter(.$Dia < 250) %>%
split(.$virus) %>%
map(~ gam(R ~ s(Dia) + s(Codigo, bs="re"), data = .,
family = binomial(link = "logit"), method="REML")) %>%
imap( ~ plot.gam(.,shade = T, scale = 0,scheme = 3,xlab = "Days", ylab =
"Positivity", main= .y))
I just replaced the second map
call with imap
and added parameter main = .y
If the goal is just to display plots (plot.gam
doesn't return plot objects), then you should use iwalk
instead and you have no need to assign it to plots
to make it silent.
see ?imap