I'm currently using a lightbox plugin called Simple Lightbox and I'm encountering some issues. Right click > save as is not disabled on Chrome, but pressing and holding an image in the lightbox does not result in the option to save it on iOS devices. I was wondering if there are any javascript or css properties that I could look for in the code that might be preventing this action from occuring.
simple lightbox: http://simplelightbox.com/
github link: https://github.com/andreknieriem/simplelightbox
Well, I finally found the answer right after posting! I'll leave it here in case anyone stumbles upon this later.
In //touchcontrols on simple-lightbox.js, I deleted the following:
> `swipeStart = 0,
swipeEnd = 0,
swipeYStart = 0,
swipeYEnd = 0,
mousedown = false,
I also disabled swiping to change photos. I hope this helps someone later on!