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How to use the same variable in different functions in GUI MATLAB

I have a popup menu with the following code. There are two options as C1 and C2. If the user selects C1, I want to set the value as 10 and if the user selcts C2, I want to set the value as 20.

function pop_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

contents = cellstr(get(hobject,'String'));
A = contents{get(hObject,'Value')};
if (strcmp(A,'C1'))
    X = 10;
elseif (strcmp(A,'C2'))
    X = 20;

I want to use another function with a pushbutton and static text to display the answer, where the output is, Whatever the set value + 12.

function push_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

inX = get(handles.pop,X);
out = inX + 12;

However, I have some error in set and get function and thus I am in trouble. Help please.


  • To avoid using globals you can use the UserData property of the figure window (assuming the uiobjects are children of the same figure). For example:

    function pop_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
    % ...
    set( ancestor(hObject,'figure'), 'UserData', X )


    function push_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
    inX = get( ancestor(hObject,'figure'), 'UserData' );
    out = inX + 12;