right now I am working on a python phone book with following layout:
|Name | Surname |
Now I want to create a button for each contacts Name and Surname, so 2 buttons for 1 contact * n. If I press on the Name or Surname a box with more details of the contact should open. Can anyone please help me?
I tried following so far:
prename = ["John", "Jack"]
surname = ["Tompson", "Daniels"]
x = 0
y = 0
for pn in prename:
pre = Button(main, text=pn)
pre.grid(row=x, column=0)
x += 1
for sn in surname:
sur = Button(main, text=sn)
sur.grid(row=y, column=1)
y += 1
You need to associate the buttons with the functions you want to be executed when you press them. I use lambda
to pass the specific name to the function call.
Also; its more readable to use enumerate
when you want a loop index.
from tkinter import *
main = Tk()
prename = ["John", "Jack"]
surname = ["Tompson", "Daniels"]
def get_prename(n): # Callback function for prename buttons
def get_surname(n): # Callback function for surname buttons
for x, pn in enumerate(prename):
pre = Button(main, text=pn, command=lambda pn=pn: get_prename(pn))
pre.grid(row=x, column=0)
for y, sn in enumerate(surname):
sur = Button(main, text=sn, command=lambda sn=sn: get_surname(sn))
sur.grid(row=y, column=1)