After the registration of a shop user in Sylius as the base framework of my web application, the user would receive an email with a verification link.
After the user clicks on this event, the user will be enabled in the database due to some magic stuff that happens in the behind of Sylius.
I want to catch this event for being able to add more actions on this step.
First, i've tried to find an event, that could be fired in case of a successfully user authentication.
bin/console debug:event-dispatcher
"sylius.admin_user.post_create" event
"sylius.admin_user.post_update" event
"sylius.admin_user.pre_delete" event
"sylius.admin_user.pre_update" event
"sylius.cart_change" event
"" event
"sylius.customer.post_register" event
"sylius.customer.pre_register" event
"sylius.customer.pre_update" event
"" event
"sylius.oauth_user.post_create" event
"sylius.oauth_user.post_update" event
"sylius.oauth_user.pre_delete" event
"sylius.order.post_address" event
"sylius.order.post_complete" event
"sylius.order.post_payment" event
"sylius.order.post_select_shipping" event
"sylius.order.pre_complete" event
"sylius.order_item.pre_create" event
"sylius.order_item.pre_delete" event
"sylius.order_item.pre_update" event
"sylius.product.initialize_update" event
"sylius.product.pre_create" event
"sylius.product.pre_update" event
"sylius.product_review.pre_create" event
"sylius.product_variant.initialize_update" event
"sylius.shipment.post_ship" event
"sylius.shop_user.post_create" event
"sylius.shop_user.post_update" event
"sylius.shop_user.pre_delete" event
"sylius.taxon.pre_create" event
"sylius.taxon.pre_update" event
"sylius.user.email_verification.token" event
"" event
"sylius.user.password_reset.request.token" event
"sylius.user.post_email_verification" event
"sylius.user.pre_password_change" event
"sylius.user.pre_password_reset" event
"" event
"" event
This will list many events but nothing indicating any email-verification process besides "sylius.user.email_verification.token", which is only responsible to create the final auth token.
Then i stepped through the code of Sylius and found the UserController and the action verifyAction, that sounds promiseful.
Within this action, several events are dispatched:
$eventDispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::PRE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION, new GenericEvent($user));
$eventDispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::POST_EMAIL_VERIFICATION, new GenericEvent($user));
These constants are defined as:
public const PRE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = 'sylius.user.pre_email_verification';
public const POST_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = 'sylius.user.post_email_verification';
However, both Event types aren't registered in the global event dispatcher of symfony, they both where not listed with debug:event-dispatcher as shown before and thus can't be listened to.
We already have a custom EventLister that works well for the registration-process, but it won't catch any email-verification events:
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'sylius.customer.pre_register' => ['onCustomerPreRegister', 0],
'sylius.customer.post_register' => ['onCustomerPostRegister', 0],
UserEvents::POST_EMAIL_VERIFICATION => ['onPostEmailVerification', 0]
Then i tried to overwrite the UserController in an own Implementation overriding the original controller and duplicating the verifyAction-Method (despite the fact that this wouldn't be a good option for the long tail)
Still no success.
While we have successfully overridden several controllers, the UserController seems to be on an island that can't be changed to another class:
Our services.yml looks like this:
class: AppBundle\Controller\User\UserController
public: true
class: AppBundle\Controller\Shop\HomepageController
public: true
The custom controller for the Homepage is working well, while any entries for UserController will be always ignored.
in short, i tried several approaches and are thinking about other one (even those that would be very ugly):
Any idea how to solve our issue?
Tried code below, and successfully received a dump message after opening verification link (in my case it was http://localhost/app_dev.php/en_US/verify/mUJjxjiI0OjWhRC2)
namespace AppBundle\EventListener;
use Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\UserEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;
class CustomVerificationSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
UserEvents::POST_EMAIL_VERIFICATION => 'onVerification'
public function onVerification(GenericEvent $event)
dump('it works');