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Query Location by Radius with GeoFire

I know this is a basic question, but I’m having a lot of trouble with it nonetheless.

I have a Firebase database storing community events. Each event node has a geo location node (created with GeoFire) called eventPlace (see screenshot below).

Using GeoFire (and javascript), how would I query the entire database and get all events within a certain location/radius? Is this possible, given the way the data is stored? Or do I need to move all the location nodes to a common node (eventPlaces??) and query that single parent node?

Note that I am not seeking real-time data. These locations are stored previously and don’t change very often.

Thanks in advance…

enter image description here


  • As it stands right now geofire sort of serves as an index to make geoqueries on, and provides the key of the document you want (which would be stored in a separate "collection").

    You should be using geofire and a separate "collection" (call it eventPlaces)

    var firebaseRef = firebase.database().ref('eventPlaces');
    var geoFire = new GeoFire(firebaseRef);

    Now you can use it as an index for your events, and can add items to it like so.

    geoFire.set('-K_Pp-3RBJ58VkHGsL5P', [40.607765, -73.758949]);

    Your Firebase RTDB will look like this now:

       'events': {
            '-K_Pp-3RBJ58VkHGsL5P': {
                // All your data here
       'eventPlaces': {
            '-K_Pp-3RBJ58VkHGsL5P': {
                'g': 'dr5x186m7u',
                'l': [40.607765, -73.758949]

    So finally when you do a query on your geoFire:

      center: [40.607765, -73.758949],
      radius: 10
    }).on('key_entered', (key, location, distance) => {
      console.log(key + ' entered query at ' + location + ' (' + distance + ' km from center)');

    You'll end up being returned the key of the doc, for which you can do a normal Firebase query for that individual doc.