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Search a word in docx file and copy the file in keyword folder

I am doing a task in which I have a text file containing specific keyword likes (C#,Angular,Python,Rest,MySQL) and have to create folder. After this I have to search these keyword in resumes given and if found copy it to each folder.

For example A has skill of C# and Angular so his/her Resume will be in both folder.

I have completed the folder creation , I need help in search the word in .docx file and copying to requested folder. I have looked for online stuffs but unable to proceed. Can anyone provide me some lead how to search word/string in docs. file

Here is my code:

Folder creation

 InputFile = "ResumeKeyword.txt"
 fileOpen  = open(InputFile)        

 for keyword in fileOpen.readline().split(','):


And for reading the docx

from docx import Document
document = Document('A.docx')
word = "Angular"
for x in document.paragraphs:


  • Hope this helps:

    from docx import Document
    from shutil import copyfile
    import os, re, random
    # Folder which contains all the resumes
    ALL_RESUMES = "all_resumes/"
    # The folder which will contain the separated resumes
    SEGREGATED_RESUMES = "topic_wise_resumes/"
    def get_keywords(keywords_file, create_new = False):
        Get all keywords from file keywords_file. We get all keywords in lower case to remove confusion down the line.
        fileOpen  = open(keywords_file, "r")        
        words = [x.strip().lower() for x in fileOpen.readline().split(',')]
        keywords = []
        for keyword in words:
                os.makedirs(SEGREGATED_RESUMES + keyword)
        return keywords
    def segregate_resumes(keywords):
        Copy the resumes to the appropriate folders
        # The pattern for regex match
        keyword_pattern = "|".join(keywords)
        # All resumes
        for filename in os.listdir(ALL_RESUMES):
            # basic sanity check
            if filename.endswith(".docx"):
                document = Document(ALL_RESUMES + filename)
                all_texts = []
                for p in document.paragraphs:
                # The entire text in the resume in lowercase
                all_words_in_resume = " ".join(all_texts).lower()
                # The matching keywords
                matches = re.findall(keyword_pattern, all_words_in_resume)
                # Copy the resume to the keyword folder
                for match in matches:
                    copyfile(ALL_RESUMES + filename, SEGREGATED_RESUMES + match + "/" + filename)
    def create_sample_resumes(keywords, num = 5):
        Function to create sample resumes for testing
        for i in range(num):
            document = Document()
            skills_ = random.sample(keywords, 2)
            document.add_paragraph("I have skills - {} and {}".format(*skills_))
   + "resume{}.docx".format(i))
    keywords = get_keywords("ResumeKeyword.txt")
    # create_sample_resumes(keywords)