I am writing a statement to create a comma-separated list of column values based on its unique ID value. Some IDs have multiple email values.
I have a ID, Email, Summary
For instance:
ID | Summary | Email
1 | Hi | abc@gmail.com
1 | Hi | def@gmail.com
2 | good | xyz@gmail.com
Looking through a bunch of articles and stack overflow questions, I tried this:
STUFF((SELECT ', ' + cr.Email AS [text()]
FROM Table1 cr1
WHERE cr1.Email = cr.Email
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS List
Table1 cr
The problem with the above query is that, it shows me the emails, but they are all repetitive. For example:
ID | Summary | Email
1 | Hi | abc@gmail.com
1 | Hi | def@gmail.com, def@gmail.com, def@gmail.com
2 | good | xyz@gmail.com, xyz@gmail.com
So I tried a different approach,
SET @tmp = ''
SELECT @tmp = @tmp + cr.Email + ', '
FROM Table1 cr
SUBSTRING(@tmp, 0, LEN(@tmp))
The problem with the above query is that, it shows me every email in a comma separated list. So every row with a unique ID has all the emails in the
ID | Summary | Email
1 | Hi | abc@gmail.com, def@gmail.com, xyz@gmail.com
2 | good | abc@gmail.com, def@gmail.com, xyz@gmail.com
The solution I am looking for should return this data:
ID | Summary | Email
1 | Hi | abc@gmail.com, def@gmail.com
2 | good | xyz@gmail.com
What can I do to improve my query, or am I completely steering towards the wrong direction?
Seems you should key off of ID/Summary and not Email
Declare @YourTable Table ([ID] int,[Summary] varchar(50),[Email] varchar(50))
Insert Into @YourTable Values
Select A.ID
,EMail = Stuff((Select Distinct ', ' +EMail From @YourTable Where ID=A.ID and Summary=A.Summary For XML Path ('')),1,2,'')
From @YourTable A
Group By ID,Summary
ID Summary EMail
1 Hi abc@gmail.com, def@gmail.com
2 good xyz@gmail.com