I'm using MediaInfo command line v18.08 on ubuntu to parse multiple files in a directory and output JSON, like this: mediainfo * --output=JSON
Which outputs the following JSON for each file (trimmed down a bit)
"media": {
"@ref": "openingmusic.mp3",
"track": [
"@type": "General",
"Duration": "17.789",
"Encoded_Library": "LAME3.98r"
"@type": "Audio",
"Format": "MPEG Audio",
"Encoded_Library_Settings": "-m s -V 2 -q 3 -lowpass 18.6 --vbr-old -b 32"
But I only want a subset of that JSON, so I used jq-1.5-1
mediainfo *.mp3 --output=JSON | jq '. | {duration: .media.track[0].Duration, pubDate: .media.track[0].File_Modified_Date_Local, url: .media."@ref"}'
Great, except there's no ,
between the elements, the whole lot isn't wrapped in [], and of course, while I can fudge that part, if I join the output, I get a trailing comma.
What's the proper jq way of doing this, please?
You can use the --slurp
- --slurp/-s:
Instead of running the filter for each JSON object in the input, read the entire input stream into a large array and run the filter just once.
combined with a map
to run your filter on each element of the array: jq -s 'map({duration: .media.track[0].Duration, pubDate: .media.track[0].File_Modified_Date_Local, url: .media."@ref"})'
Then the output will still be an array.