I'm splitting the string to break up a column that separated by | . I want to split it into 3 columns.
ATTN: Brian Adams | 343 Albert Ave | 17th Street
This is the code I have now
Public Function GetAddress1 (ByVal a as String)
Dim b() as string
Dim str_1(b.Length) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To b.Length - 1
str_1(i) = b(i).Split("|")(0)
return str_1
End Function
Public Function GetAddress2 (ByVal a as String)
Dim b() as string
Dim str_1(b.Length) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To b.Length - 1
str_1(i) = b(i).Split("|")(0)
return str_1
End Function
Public Function GetAttention (ByVal a as String)
Dim b() as string
Dim str_1(b.Length) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To b.Length - 2
str_1(i) = b(i).Split("|")(0)
return str_1
End Function
The functions work when there's only 2 values ATTN: Brian Adams |
343 Albert Ave but when there's three values the GetAddress1
will grab info to the right of the the second |
and get the GetAddress2
Public Function GetAddress1 (ByVal a as String)
Dim b() as string
Dim str_1(b.Length) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To b.length - 1
str_1(i) = b(i).Split("|")(0)
return str_1
End Function
Writing the ,2 located the second value in the string without throwing an error.