I have password UITextfield
that is currently turned on as secure entry. I would like to show the user the password he has typed inform of text again in the UITextfield
when the UISwitch is turned on
. Here is my implementation that so far. It works when i print it out in the console but doesn't in the UITextfield
. I would like to show it on once the UISwitch
is turned on and off when the UISwitch
is turned off.
@IBOutlet weak var existingPasswordTexfField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var newPasswordTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var changePasswordSwitch: UISwitch!
@IBAction func showPassword(_ sender: UISwitch) {
if changePasswordSwitch.isOn {
guard let oldText = existingPasswordTexfField.text else { return }
if existingPasswordTexfField.isSecureTextEntry {
existingPasswordTexfField.text = oldText
} else {
print("Pawword is already secure")
According to Apple Doc isSecureTextEntry
is a writable property
So in your showPassword
IBAction you need to toggle it at some point :
existingPasswordTexfField.isSecureTextEntry = false
or just
existingPasswordTexfField.isSecureTextEntry = !changePasswordSwitch.isOn