I'm using the most recent version of a mySQL server, I wish to connect it to Sphinx Search. However, when I attempt to connect to the server through CMD with "SphinxQL" I encounter:
ERROR 200 (HY000): Unknown MySQL error
This is by trying:
searchd -P9306
And receiving:
[Wed Aug 29 10:41:28.893 2018] [22560] listening on
[Wed Aug 29 10:41:28.893 2018] [22560] listening on all interfaces, port=9306
[Wed Aug 29 10:41:28.959 2018] [22560] WARNING: No extra index definitions found in data folder
[Wed Aug 29 10:41:28.965 2018] [22560] accepting connections
[Wed Aug 29 10:41:28.966 2018] [21976] prereading 2 indexes
[Wed Aug 29 10:41:28.966 2018] [21976] prereaded 2 indexes in 0.000 sec
However, I can connect the same way to port 3306 and successfully get into the base mySQL server. I heard there's some difference between the way Sphinx and SQL hold passwords so I've used users with both mysql_native_password and the newer version to no avail.
The Indexer runs fine, though when I go to rotate the indexes specifically I encounter an error regarding failing to open a pid_file. This may not be related.
Below is my code snip:
# Minimal Sphinx configuration sample (clean, simple, functional)
source src1
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = test
sql_pass = test123
sql_db = test
sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
sql_query = SELECT id, name, storage, colour, network, quality, price, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AS last_modified FROM phones
sql_attr_timestamp = last_modified
index test1
source = src1
path = C:/Program Files/sphinx-3.0.3/data/test1
index testrt
type = rt
rt_mem_limit = 128M
path = C:/Program Files/sphinx-3.0.3/data/testrt
rt_field = id
rt_field = name
rt_field = storage
rt_field = colour
rt_field = network
rt_field = condition
rt_field = price
rt_field = last_modified
rt_attr_uint = gid
mem_limit = 128M
mysql_version_string = 5.0.37
listen = localhost:9312
listen = 9306:mysql41
log = C:/Program Files/sphinx-3.0.3/log/searchd.log
query_log = C:/Program Files/sphinx-3.0.3/log/query.log
read_timeout = 5
max_children = 30
pid_file = C:/Program Files/sphinx-3.0.3/log/searchd.pid
seamless_rotate = 1
preopen_indexes = 1
unlink_old = 1
workers = threads # for RT to work
binlog_path = C:/Program Files/sphinx-3.0.3/data
Using a older version of mySQL client just to connect works perfectly, even with a newer server being pulled from by Sphinx. Thanks for the help guys.