Here is a simplified version of the code I'm currently using :
cat $FILES | while read line; do
convert -fill $FG_COLOR -background $BG_COLOR \
-size ${line_width}x${line_height} -page +${x_margin}+${y} \
label:"${varL} and ${varR}" miff:-
done | convert -size ${SCREEN_W}x${SCREEN_H} xc:$BG_COLOR - -flatten image.jpg
And it is working well !
But I wish to have different colors for ${varL}
and ${varR}
, and I guess I should use pango
instead of label
. Am I correct about that ?
But by keeping the same code and just replacing label
by pango
I have an unexpected error :
convert-im6.q16: width or height exceeds limit
I am very confused about how I was able to solve this.
Anyway here is the thing : I don't know why but pango needs to be BEFORE the other arguments.
convert -fill $FG_COLOR -background $BG_COLOR \
-size ${line_width}x${line_height} -page +${x_margin}+${y} \
pango:"${varL} and ${varR}" miff:-
Isn't working, but :
convert pango:"${varL} and ${varR}" \
-fill $FG_COLOR -background $BG_COLOR \
-size ${line_width}x${line_height} -page +${x_margin}+${y} miff:-
Is working !
EDIT: pango:
need to be before -page