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How to change storyboard flow

I have to modify the flow of ViewControllers displayed based on a storyboard in a legacy app.

Let´s say the storyboard says to display screens as follow:

screen A -> screen B -> screen C -> screen D

Now the modification is that depending on a particular condition the screen C should not be displayed. Let say, if the condition is true the screen C is displayed otherwise it is not and screen D is directly displayed.

The flow should be:

                       /                \
                      /   true           \
screen A -> screen B ---------> screen C ----> screen D

I create a segue between screen B and screen D. If the condition is true I do nothing (screen C and then screen D are displayed), if the condition is false I call the segue in the ViewController for screen B:

  performSegue(withIdentifier: "DirectlyDisplayScreenD", sender: self)

It is almost working... the screen C is displayed a half second and then comes the screen D.

I am a beginner with iOS, is what I did at least in principle correct ?

Is there an obvious reason why is the screen C shortly displayed ? Is it because of the storyboard ? or calling a segue is not enough ? or does it means that the ViewController for screen C is instantiated somewhere in the code ?

Is there a method to remove a ViewController of a storyboard ? I found the method instantiateViewController but I did not find a method "removeViewController"


  • I solved the problem by myself. I removed the legacy segue and re-built it again taking care of giving him a name. After that the application follows the flows I wish.

    Thanks for all the suggestions!!