I'm developing a twisted.web server - it consists of some resources that apart from rendering stuff use adbapi to fetch some data and write some data to postgresql database. I'm trying to figoure out how to write a trial unittest that would test resource rendering without using net (in other words: that would initialize a resource, produce it a dummy request etc.).
Lets assume the View resource is a simple leaf that in render_GET returns NOT_DONE_YET and tinkers with adbapi to produce simple text as a result. Now, I've written this useless code and I can't come up how to make it actually initialize the resource and produce some sensible response:
from twisted.trial import unittest
from myserv.views import View
from twisted.web.test.test_web import DummyRequest
class ExistingView(unittest.TestCase):
def test_rendering(self):
slug = "hello_world"
view = View(slug)
request = DummyRequest([''])
output = view.render_GET(request)
self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 200)
The output is... 1. I've also tried such approach: output = request.render(view) but same output = 1. Why? I'd be very gratefull for some example how to write such unittest!
Here's a function that will render a request and convert the result into a Deferred that fires when rendering is complete:
def _render(resource, request):
result = resource.render(request)
if isinstance(result, str):
return succeed(None)
elif result is server.NOT_DONE_YET:
if request.finished:
return succeed(None)
return request.notifyFinish()
raise ValueError("Unexpected return value: %r" % (result,))
It's actually used in Twisted Web's test suite, but it's private because it has no unit tests itself. ;)
You can use it to write a test like this:
def test_rendering(self):
slug = "hello_world"
view = View(slug)
request = DummyRequest([''])
d = _render(view, request)
def rendered(ignored):
self.assertEquals(request.responseCode, 200)
self.assertEquals("".join(request.written), "...")
return d