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FMDB Result set contains null iphone

I am using FMDB for my application to store data in sqlite. Here is my code

from AppDelegate

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application 


FMDatabase* db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:@"/tmp/sql.sqlite"];

if (![db open]) {
    NSLog(@"Could not open db.");

NSLog(@"DB opened successfully");

// full code not shown here


I have following code in ViewController


{ NSLog(@"in insertButtonCLicked");

[db beginTransaction];

[db executeUpdate:@"insert into sample (url) values (?)",@"google'"];

[db commit];




NSLog(@"in DisplayCLicked");

FMResultSet *rs = [db executeQuery:@"select url from sample"];

NSLog(@"Rs contains => %@",rs);

while( [rs next])

    NSLog(@"%@",[rs stringForColumn:@"url"]);
[rs close];


When i run this code i get rs as null as shown in following (this is o/p from console)

2011-03-07 07:30:06.919 InsertDataSample[3092:20b] DB opened successfully

2011-03-07 07:30:13.341 InsertDataSample[3092:20b] in insertButtonCLicked

2011-03-07 07:30:16.860 InsertDataSample[3092:20b] in DisplayCLicked

2011-03-07 07:30:16.860 InsertDataSample[3092:20b] Rs contains => (null)

Plz help me friends. I am working on FMDB from many days but i am unable to use FMDB . Thanks in advance


  • Insert this just after your query and FMDB will probably tell you exactly what the problem is.

    if ([db hadError]) {
        NSLog(@"DB Error %d: %@", [db lastErrorCode], [db lastErrorMessage]);


    Running this:

    FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:@"/tmp/sql.sqlite"];
    [db executeUpdate:@"create table sample (url TEXT);"];
    [db executeUpdate:@"insert into sample (url) values(?);", @"google'"];
    FMResultSet *rs = [db executeQuery:@"select url from sample;"];
    while ([rs next]) {
        NSLog(@"%@", [rs stringForColumn:@"url"]);
    [rs close];
    [db close];

    produced this output:

    2011-03-06 12:38:59.831 test[93163:207] google'