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StereoReconstruction from Images

Is it possible to get some good reconstructed surfaces from bumbleebee cameras (produced by Point Gray Research).Does any one has any information regarding this?I am looking for a fairly simple solution which should be easy to implement.


  • I have worked with the BumbleBee camera before. I can tell you that the built-in stereo depth software can be very sensitive to color/material properties and thus confuse shading with shape etc. Thus, reconstruction from 1 shot is likely not feasible.

    If you're willing to move the camera around to do structure from motion, then try any number of SfM software such as Bundler and Voodoo tracker. These can produce a 3D point cloud.

    Once you get the 3D point cloud, you can then use a 3D texture mapping software like CMVS to color the point cloud. Note that CMVS is meant to work with Bundler. You'll have to do some format conversion if you use another SfM package.

    If you prefer to roll your own, I'd suggest reading the Hartley and Zisserman classic.