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How to compare two dataframes and filter rows and columns where a difference is found

I am testing dataframes for equality.


I get df_diff which is same shape as df*, and contains boolean True/False.

Now I would like to keep only the columns and rows of df1 where there was at least a different value. If I simply do


I get all the rows where there was at least one True in df_diff, but lots of columns originally had False only.

As a second step, I would like then to be able to replace all the values (element-wise in the dataframe) which were equal (where df_diff==False) with NaNs.



I would like to get from df1

   0  1  2
0  1  2  3
1  4  5  6
2  7  8  9


    1  2
0  2  NaN  
1  NaN  6


  • I think you need DataFrame.any for check at least one True per rows of columns:

    df = df_diff[df_diff.any(axis=1)]

    It is possible to filter both of the original dataframes like so:

    df11 = df1[df_diff.any(axis=1)]
    df22 = df2[df_diff.any(axis=1)]

    If want all columns and rows:

    df = df_diff.loc[df_diff.any(axis=1), df_diff.any()]

    EDIT: Filter d1 and add NaNs by where:

    m1 = df_diff.any(axis=1)
    m2 = df_diff.any()
    out = df1.loc[m1, m2].where(df_diff.loc[m1, m2])
    print (out)
         1    2
    0  2.0  NaN
    1  NaN  6.0