I have been playing a bit with the memory in order to be a good memory citizen on the iPhone SDK.
However I still struggle to understand the difference between "self.something" and just "something".
As far as I understood, "self.something" means ask to the class for "something", but there is something wrong on my thought. Let's see the example:
I have worked with the memory releasing:
[self.labelIBOUtlet release]
-> It crash[labelIBOUtlet release]
-> It doesn't.Can anyone please explain me what is the reason?
Thank you!
This is the information I have set on the header file:
@interface viewController : UIViewController {
UILabel * labelIBOutlet ;
@property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UILabel * labelIBOutlet ;
You have to understand the meaning of "property" the use of "dot" is just a faster way to call "special methods" created just to "set" and "get" variable-property.
as example, you could have your own class/UIView which uses a subView:
in myView.h
@interface myView : UIView {
UIWebView *webView;
if you do just this you have not a "property", but just an ojbect... so in your myView.m you try to use the "dot" like this:
NSLog(@"%i", self.webView.frame.size.width);
then you get an error, you cannot do that, xCode says: error: accessing unknown 'webView' getter method
that just means that a the method "webView" doesn't exist... 'couse when you call "self.webView" you just call a method called "webView"... this method just return the pointer to your value. and when you call:
you are just calling the method "setWebView", a method that just set your object with someValue...
but so... where do those 2 invisible methods come from?
they are created by xCode itself if you tell it to use webView as a property... in our example, add some lines:
in myView.h
@interface myView : UIView {
UIWebView *webView;
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIWebView *webView;
in myView.m
@implementation myView
@synthesize webView;
// ...
doing this xCode will add the 2 methods "webView" and "setWebView" for you, and now you can call:
NSLog(@"%i", self.webView.frame.size.width);
with no error...
and you can put value (of the right format, in this case a pointer to an existing UIWebView) just calling:
self.webView = aUIWebView;
and remember to release it, 'couse you used "retain" in :
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIWebView *webView;
release it with:
[webView release];