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Derive a new column based on Time stamp

I have a column 'customer_date' with datatype text.

Based on the time i need to derive a new column

Condition :

  • when customer_date <12 then 'AM' else 'PM


01Mar2018 10:03:54
02Mar2018 13:03:54

expected output

  customer_date             session

01Mar2018 10:03:54        AM
02Mar2018 13:03:54        PM

It throws me error when i wrote

case EXTRACT(HOUR FROM customer_date)<12 then 'AM' else 'PM' end as session
from my table;


  • This works when I test it:

    select (case when EXTRACT(HOUR FROM customer_date::timestamp) < 12 then 'AM' else 'PM' end) as session
    from mytable;

    I added the explicit conversion and the when.