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properly formatting a two-line caption in ggplot2

I am working on a custom function that can add two-line captions to plots and I want the caption to be formatted properly no matter what the user might choose to enter ("character" or "expression"). I have created a toy example below to illustrate two problems with the way the function has been currently implemented-

  1. When the caption is not NULL, the two lines are not aligned to the right.
  2. When an expression is entered, the concatenated caption gets completely mangled.


In case you have a different solution which achieves the same thing (if the user-provided caption is NULL, then the default one-line expression is printed as a caption, otherwise a two-line expression printed as a caption), I am also open to that.

It is important though that the class of the object remains "ggplot" because I would like to make further modifications to the resulting plot using ggplot2 functions.

# needed libraries

# custom function to prepare a caption
caption_maker <- function(caption) {

  # if caption is not null then add line separator
  if (!is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste(caption, "; \n", sep = "")

  # prepare the caption with additional info
  caption <- base::substitute(
    expr =
        "In favor of null: ",
        ") = ",
    env = base::list(
      y = caption,
      bf = 123

  # return the message

# custom function to add labels to the plot
plot_maker <-
  function(xlab = NULL,
             ylab = NULL,
             title = NULL,
             caption = NULL) {
    caption.text <- caption_maker(caption = caption)

    plot <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point() +
        x = xlab,
        y = ylab,
        title = title,
        caption = caption.text

    # return the plot

# this works just fine
plot_maker(caption = NULL)

# this works but the caption is not aligned properly
plot_maker(caption = "This is mtcars dataset")

# this works but the caption is all mangled
  caption =
    expression(paste(italic("Note"), ": This is mtcars dataset"))

Created on 2018-08-22 by the reprex package (v0.2.0.9000).


  • How about this:

    # needed libraries
    # custom function to prepare a caption
    caption_maker <- function(caption) {
      # prepare the caption with additional info
      caption <- base::substitute(
               "In favor of null: ",
               ") = ",
        env = base::list(
          bf = 123,
          y = caption
      # return the message
    # custom function to add labels to the plot
    plot_maker <-
      function(xlab = NULL,
               ylab = NULL,
               title = NULL,
               caption = NULL) {
        caption.text <- caption_maker(caption = caption)
        plot <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point() +
            x = xlab,
            y = ylab,
            title = title,
            caption = caption.text)
        # return the plot
    plot_maker(caption = NULL)
    plot_maker(caption = "This is mtcars:")
    plot_maker(xlab = "x Axis Title",
      caption = substitute(paste(italic("Note"), ": This is mtcars dataset"))

    I got the atop idea from this question