I am trying to run a program in hpc-cluster. Unfortunately, I am unable to install external packages (e.g., JLD2) on the cluster. This is is a temporary problem, and should get fixed.
I don't want to wait around all that time and I am wondering if there is any way to save large output (2-3 GB) in Julia without external dependencies. Most of the output is matrix of numbers. I was using JLD2 previously that stores data in HDF5 format.
Bonus question: Is there a workaround to this using shell commands, like use pipe to get the output and use awk//grep to save data? (something like julia -p 12 main.jl | echo "file"
You could try the Serialization
standard library.
To work with multiple variables, you can just store them sequentially:
x = rand(10)
y = "foo"
using Serialization
# write to file
open("data.out","w") do f
serialize(f, x)
serialize(f, y)
# load from file
open("data.out") do f
global x2, y2
x2 = deserialize(f)
y2 = deserialize(f)
or you could put them in a Dict
, and just store that.